Matt and Christina Smith were commissioned as missionaries to Chad with the Church of the Lutheran Brethren on October 27, 2019 at Good Shepherd Church in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. They and their five children are scheduled to fly to France in December. They will arrive in time to start a year of French language learning at a missionary language school in the town of Albertville.

This is a busy time for the Smith family. They have listed and sold their home. They have completed “Compass,” a month-long training course for missionaries focused on language acquisition and cultural adaptation, and they have completed training on solar system design and maintenance. They now are in the process of packing up supplies that they will need in Chad over the next four years. The Smiths have applied for long-stay visas for France and are anxiously waiting to receive a favorable response from the French Consulate. 

Thank you for praying for the Smith family as they spend the next two months packing, saying goodbyes, closing on their home, and arranging all the last minute details involved in moving a large family overseas. Thank you for your support of Lutheran Brethren International Mission.

Leivestad Ordained
Louie Ordained as Elder at 59th Street