Saturday, June 9, 2018 was memorable! It was the first day of the CLB Biennial Convention—a “Day of Equipping”—and 120 women attended our WMCLB convention day, as other training events were taking place simultaneously. Here’s how we were equipped:

We worshiped our King, encouraged through the music of Rachel Roy from Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania.

We listened as Director of Women’s Ministries, Ruth Vallevik, opened the Scriptures for us. Drawing on various Bible passages, as well as Luther’s Small Catechism, she laid a foundation for understanding the kingdom of God and responding to the grace of our Heavenly King.

We were touched as a girls’ choral group from Hillcrest Academy sang, and as Lexi Tungseth shared her testimony. Though her Dad passed away suddenly just weeks before her graduation, she is drawing strength from her Savior, Jesus.

We learned from Gretchen Ronnevik that our King desires to work through us, in bringing his kingdom here on earth, but that we don’t have to “have it all together” before we start. Our power comes from him!

We were surprised by this year’s Missionary Greetings! In addition to letters read, we saw Missionary Kay A. live, onscreen from France, and she saw us all waving to her. She even answered audience questions! We  enjoyed greetings from Sandy Christofferson in Taiwan and Mandy B. and Sonja N. in Chad, who walked us through the Welcome Center, over to meet her neighbors!

We enjoyed a meal, and did some business. We re-elected Kim Goodman as Treasurer, and were introduced to Rachel Grothe, our new Information Coordinator. The 2017-18 budget was met, thanks to God, and you, his people! Projects for 2018-19 are:

Focus Project: “Power for Kay!”—Our newest missionary to Chad, Kay A., will be bringing the gospel and love of Jesus to village women. We want to provide the blessing of power and running water in the hot, dry climate of rural Africa. We will supply the main components of a solar system for electricity, a solar refrigerator, solar freezer, and a submersible pump to bring water from the well which will be dug.

Vision 2020—Strategic planning for the future: Virtual Bible studies, meetings with missionaries, etc.

Heart to Heart: Funding Director Ruth Vallevik, to travel more extensively in two Regions each year.

S.W.E.E.T. Retreat: Retreat for Seminary Women to Encourage, Equip, and Train them for ministry.

Crisis Care Fund: Caring for ministry wives and families in crisis (contact Ruth Vallevik for more information, or contribute:

H.E.L.P.: Household, Equipment, and Linen Project for missionary needs (send HELP contributions to Joy Mathiesen, 1421 Highway Terrace, Fergus Falls, MN 56537).

Join in giving to: WMCLB Box 655, Fergus Falls, MN, 56538-0655

We went deeper in two afternoon workshop sessions with women who shared the passion God has given them for various ministries: mentoring, outreach, Women’s Ministry, and studying God’s Word.

May God continue to equip us to love and serve his kingdom!

Cheryl Olsen is the Faith & Fellowship correspondent for WMCLB.


A Legacy of Generosity
New Hope for Parker, CO