This has been a very busy year for the WM Leadership Team. We have completed the reorganization of our ministry team. As part of this reorganization we needed significant updates to the Constitution and Bylaws as well as new job descriptions. We also have been constantly updating the Strategic Plan. Beta-testing of “virtual” Bible studies has been conducted and we are looking at switching them to an educational platform. Dr. David Veum, president of Lutheran Brethren Seminary, has offered resources to help with this.

In the last weeks, we have seen a huge surge of demand for the virtual Bible studies. Obviously, this coincides with the announcement of the pandemic. Women are eager to stay connected with their church community and with one another. It is exciting to note that this includes women of all ages.

The leadership team met recently and decided to make some quick adjustments to the Strategic Plan. We resolved to push forward with rapid expansion of the plans for virtual Bible studies, reallocating resources toward this goal. This is designed to meet a demand that we believe will continue to grow. Our WMCLB Convention was to be held as part of the CLB Biennial Convention in June, and both have been postponed. Watch for updates and information about how WMCLB will have a part in any rescheduled or modified Convention plans.

In the reorganization of Women’s Ministries of the CLB, the purpose statement in their Constitution has been reworded, hoping to keep it meaningful and easy to remember. The Purpose Statement appears below in bold and italic print.

Women Together…

Studying the Bible, individually and in groups, thereby growing in faith;

This is the foundation for everything that we desire for our women. We encourage them to be involved in regular reading and study of God’s Word, on their own and in fellowship with others. If there was a person you wanted to get to know, would you rather hear someone else’s opinion of them, or meet them and hear their story first-hand? God has chosen to reveal himself by his Son Jesus, the Living Word, by means of the Bible, the written Word.

Supporting the Mission of the CLB in North America and internationally, both in prayer and in giving;

Women’s Ministries has a long history of being involved with our mission to reach people overseas and here at home. We use your gifts to fund special projects such as solar power in Chad, the ministry to Japanese students in Seattle, and the annual retreat for seminary women. We want our women to know and pray for our wonderful missionary women in Asia and Africa using the latest communication technology.

Serving Our Neighbors where we live and work, and pointing them to Christ;

We encourage women to be involved in their churches and in their neighborhoods, using their gifts to build up the Body of Christ and to share the gospel through relationships with those around them.

Sharing Our Lives, as sisters in Christ, with each other and with those who don’t know him.

We encourage fellowship that can include both fun and worship, providing a welcoming place to invite friends and an opportunity to get to know each other better. We have expanded our use of social media to reach out and bring women together.

The WMCLB is committed to seeking God’s direction, and trusts that he will establish their path. If you have questions about Women’s Ministries, visit:

Barbara Heggland and Jean Wilsdon serve the Church of the Lutheran Brethren as co-directors of Women’s Ministries.

Test Me in This
Coronavirus: New Challenges, New Ministry