BC16 (Youth Workers)

Youth Workers Continuing Education, Fergus Falls MN – July 16, 2016

Intense attention has been devoted to the realization that many, if not most, of our students are leaving active faith when they graduate high school, even those who were deeply involved and invested in youth ministry. In addition to that, we know that even our “best” kids often have a shallow understanding of their faith, and the culture all of our students are swimming in has become increasingly secular.

Our response to these issues, and with the culture pressing us into more and more structural fragmentation and atomization, is to continue to treat students, and their faith journey, as individuals. Adoptive Youth Ministry is a new way to theologically ground and re-imagine our work and ministry. It has the goal of helping our young live into their adoption as God’s children in Christ (John 1:12), where students have not only a nurturing community, but also experience a place at the table of God’s household.


8:30-11:15 am – Adoptive Youth Ministry: Reaching Emerging Generations in an Atomized World (Part #1): Chap Clark

11:50-1:00 pm – Youth Worker Lunch & Presentations:
1. YC17
2. Thrivent Luther 500 Year Celebration Curriculum and Service Project Grant Presentation
3. Youth Worker Mentor

1:15-4:00 pm – Adoptive Youth Ministry: Reaching Emerging Generations in an Atomized World (Part #2): Chap Clark


Letter to Area Churches - Mission/Outreach Opportunity
The Posture of Invitation - Part II